About Us
We are second-generation select seed growers and have been retailing cereal grains for many years. In the fall of 2012, we were excited to have the opportunity to join Pioneer Hibred as an independent sales representative. Adding Pioneer’s elite product lineup, to our already strong cereal portfolio, has allowed Red River Seeds to offer a product lineup second to none.
In 2014, the arrival of hybrid fall rye to Canada created a new opportunity for Red River Seeds. We became the first distributor of hybrid fall rye in western Canada and continue to be a leader in this area. We offer the leading new hybrids, as well as custom seeding for those who are too busy with other fall activities. For those looking for the cover crop market, we also sell open-pollinated fall rye.
As hybrid fall rye acres increased, it quickly became evident that the grain marketing options for rye were lacking. After 2 successful hybrid rye harvests, in 2015 and 2016, and struggles marketing our own farms’ rye grain, we started to market rye directly into export markets. This proved to be a great fit for our business. Within a few years we became the leading rye buyer in western Canada. We have since expanded into purchasing other grains such as corn, soybeans, and oats.
With business growth our infrastructure has also grown quickly to support it. From 2014-2019 we added 450,000 bushels of grain storage, a grain drying system, a seed cleaning facility including optical sorter and 24,000 sq ft of equipment cold storage and a new 3,000 sq ft office that we moved into in the spring of 2020. Ongoing expansions to our seed cleaning facility and grain storage capacity have continued. Today we can process up to 1,500 mt of grain per week through our cleaning plant and have 950,000 bushels of grain storage on site.
In 2021, in an effort to reduce our propane usage for grain drying, we installed one of the first biomass burners for use in a grain drying system. This allowed us to completely replace propane as our heat source, instead burning junk screenings from our seed processing facility.
As select seed growers, our farm continues to evaluate and grow new varieties each year. Growing what we sell gives us an opportunity to assess varieties and hybrids before they come to market. This gives us the experience and confidence to assist our customers in making their planting decisions.
We are very fortunate to have a tremendous team working with us to make all this possible. Their hard work and dedication has been critical to our ongoing growth.
We are proud of our growth and looking forward to continuing to serve our customers with new grain markets, and high-quality seed and services.