Custom Drying

With a Brock Superb Energy Miser SQ36A grain dryer we have significant capacity to dry your rye, corn, soybeans, or other grains.  We receive grain with three 16” augers and loadout with a 13″ augers or conveyors to keep your trucks moving in and out quickly.



Custom Harvesting

Corn HarvestAlthough we have the capacity to custom harvest any crop, our most common custom harvesting is in corn. We have made sure to size our equipment such that we can accommodate growers who want to try corn. We currently have one 18 row 20″ chopping corn head, as well as a 24 row 20″ corn head.


Custom Planting

Whether you want to try a few acres of corn or are looking to improve your soybean or canola plant stand while lowering seeding rates we have you covered.

With three planters we have the equipment needed to insure your fields are planted when the time is right.  We have one 48 row 20″ planter on tracks, one 24 row 20″ high speed precision planter, and a 16/31 row 30″/15″ high speed precision planter. All three planters have individual row shutoff to minimize overlap.

Contact us to book your acres for spring.


Seed Treating

We have a state of the art treating system that allows us to treat different crops with various seed treatments and inoculants. We use a USC LPX 2000 drum seed treater equipped with seed counting wheel and multiple pump stands with flowmeters. The treater is electronically tied into 10 hopper bottom bins with under bin conveyors. This allows the treater to run continuously which avoids the delays of moving from bin to bin or batch treating.

Our goal is to make seed treating as efficient as possible to avoid lineups at seeding time.

We also have a graham seed treating auger system that we still utilize from time to time.


Seed Retail

As you can see on our products page we offer an extensive lineup of seed, seed treatments & inoculants. We are shareholders of Canterra Seeds and FP Genetics, dealers for KWS Seeds Canada, Secan, Seed Depot, Alliance Seed and an independent sales representative for Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.